Mark Heiden
Associate Director of Marketing & Communications

Mark is a versatile communications professional with more than 20 years of experience in print and digital publishing. He earned a BA in English, history, and sociology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an MS in health communication from Northwestern University.
Throughout his career, Mark has enjoyed collaborating with subject matter experts in fields including science, medicine, dentistry, and history to develop apps, websites, and magazines, as well as e-books, hardcovers, and other materials for patient and professional education.
A Chicago native, Mark has also spent several years living in Japan and Texas, and traveled throughout Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Everest region of Nepal. His freelance writing and photography has been published on subjects including architecture, travel, and sports. In his spare time, he and his wife, Kelli, try to cross national parks off their list and keep up with their two young daughters, Gillian and Mallory.