Awards and Honors, Other
Chad Mirkin receives King Faisal Prize for work in chemistry
January 04, 2023

First Northwestern professor to win most prestigious award in the Muslim world
The King Faisal Foundation has awarded Northwestern University professor Chad A. Mirkin the 2023 King Faisal Prize (KFP) in Medicine and Science for his work in chemistry.
Established in 1979 by the King Faisal Foundation and named after Faisal bin Abdulaziz, the KFP is a merit-based award honoring those whose work “contributes to the enrichment of knowledge for the development of humanity.” Laureates are selected by specialized selection committees of more than 40 specialists, scientists and public figures from 26 different countries. Announced by His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Bin Faisal Bin Abdulaziz, chairman of King Faisal Prize Board, Mirkin is honored for his contributions to nanochemistry, specifically the discovery and development of spherical nucleic acids (SNAs).
Click HERE to read the full story on Northwestern Now.